Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thing #6 part B


Thing #6 is like an infinate clipart catalog-FREE.

Discovery #6

It was fun to look in the library and see the trading cards of the Librarians. It is almost like a business card. It is good to see the specializations on the trading cards so I know which librarian to contact for reference. I made my own trading card. The first time I didn't get it uploaded to my blog because the internet timed out. Then the second time I loaded it, it took forever to view and then when I went to put it in my blog the webpage had expired and I lost it. I won't be able to look at the toon doo unless I do it at the library and hopefully it is not filtered. Really is all this necessary? I suppose for the next generation that "old stuff" won't work anymore. A teacher said today that now in school we have to entertain the student. Maybe that is true. If anything all this new "stuff" is encouraging us to be creative!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Discovery #5 item

Well, I had problems. I went to upload a photo from my home computer and then flickr timed out because of my slow dialup. I assume this is what happened. Then I couldn't look up mashups unless I did it at school. Then I could not do any of the activities because of our filter. The mash ups were interesting. I suppose these ways fo technology are excellent when "selling" library materials to the young crowd. We would need a full time person just to set all these new things up for each library. And keep them changing and updated. I don't mind sharing my photos on line with family members but I would be unable to upload them in the programs and mashups.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Flickr: Search

Flickr: Search

Discovery #4 Flickr

Well, I am on to #4 thing and it was interesting. I'm glad that you show us ideas of what other libraries do with these "things". Again it is hard to wait forever for photos to download from dial up connections. I think Flickr would be good to use in our library when we pull books according to themes and put on a shelf for teachers to pick up. If we had them on flickr then they could access the themed books by computer and see right away what we have. I don't like having my personal pictures on line BUT my son has put pictures on a website for us to look at and order from and that is so much better than us waiting to go see him out of town and then ordering and etc.. I loved looking at all the cat pictures. Then again I could spend hours doing that!!! There are some wonderful amatuer photographers!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Question

I was reading a blog and then some weird people started entering porno stuff. Can I delete that if it happens on my blog? That can really deter a person from going to the same blog again. It even happened on the educational blog. Any comments on this.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Discovery #3 item

I liked the RSS. I signed up thru google reade since I already had an account. I started by subscribing with the reccomendations and then deleted what I didn't like. Then added a couple websites that I always check out. It is good becaus I usually only read the headlines and the top stories anyhow in the news paper. I also read the Swedish news every once in awhile and now I can check it out more because it is on my list. I like it because library staff can be on top of what are the top books. Patrons always ask what is new when they come into the library. If I had the list of the top reads all the time I could offer them that info. It would be a good resource fro students to use in a government current events class.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thing Discovery #2-Web 2.0

The speaker in the video must have a lot of time to be on the net. I live in the country and have dial up. I think techies forget about half of the people in Norhtern Minnesota who don't have access to DSL. We can't even watch a video unless we go to town to a public access computer to see it. I go to the public library. A lot of people in my area need public access computers just to access the net for basic priority internet time, like a job application, tax info, email corespondance by a college or employer, etc. Many people on the Indian reservsation don't even have a phone let alone a computer with internet access. Will the seperation between the haves and the have nots get bigger with web 2.0? Is it humanly possible and a government priority and concern to have internet for all its citizens? Some of this discussion sounds like science fiction. As for myself. I am in the middle. I am excited about the advances of techmology and I like change BUT I still like the old way with a book in my hand. I have worked in the public library and the older staff absolutely do not want change. As for the reference librarian--her job description has changed--have they told her yet? At our library the reference librarian should be a computer technician and teacher so that he can teach the general public how to use the internet, email, word, excell, spell check, etc. We have a long way to go to get all of the citizens computer competent. And more and more "stff" needs to be donw on a computer.

Second part of #1 Discovery

It took me an hour to decide my avatar. Before that I didn't even know what an avatar was. It was kinda fun BUT I had a hard time deciding what to choose. There sure are a lot of choices. I was disappointed to see provocative clothing as choices in the avatar. If I had a daughter I would not want her chosing something like that even if she was joking. It would be a pedophile predator hit for sure. I think we need community education classes on this technology so parents can see what kids have access to . I had no idea!